How to Defer or Forward Application Payments

How to Defer or Forward Application Payments

It is possible to waive a registration fee or transfer a previously paid fee payment from one application to another.

Who Can Defer Payments?

Financial aid reps, campus administrators or super administrators.

Who Can Forward Previous Payments?

Financial aid reps, campus administrators or super administrators.

Deferring Payments

After a student has created their account and their application process has begun, administrators can defer a payment. This must be performed prior to the applicant making a payment. If the applicant has already made a payment, see Forwarding Payments below.

To defer a payment, view the student detail screen and click on the “Defer Payment” button under “Payment Status”. If the student is already on the payment screen when the payment is forwarded, they may need to refresh their page in order to proceed.

Note: Military Applicants will have their payments automatically deferred. If their military status claim is denied, they will be required to complete a new application as a non-military applicant, and a fee will be required.


Forwarding Payments

This option is only available in the case where the student has submitted an application along with a payment and that application has not been signed by a Campus Rep and exported to Campus Nexus.

When the option is available, campus admins will see one of two methods to forward a payment from one application to another.

Forwarding IN Payments

If the student has already created a new application, reps / admins will see a button allowing them to “Apply Previous Registration Fee.” Clicking this button and confirming will move the payment from a previous application to the current one. The current application will be marked as paid and the student will be able to submit their application without submitting further payment. Note: If the student is already on the payment screen when the payment is forwarded, they may need to refresh their page in order to proceed.

Forwarding OUT Payments

In the case where the student has not yet created a new application, campus reps / admins will see a “Forward Payment to Next Application” button. Clicking this will make it so that when the student creates a new application, the payment from the previous application will be applied to the new application, and the application will be marked paid. The student will be able to complete and submit the application without submitting further payment.