How to Set a Student's LeadSquared Lead ID

Occasionally you’ll come across students who don’t have their LeadSquared ID set in the enrollment system. This will need to be set before they’ll be able to continue with filling out an application. Once this is done the student will need to login and start a new application to fill out.

Setting the LeadSquared ID

To set a student’s LeadSquared ID view their student details page in the admin section of the enrollment system. On their student details page look at the Student Information section and find the LeadSquared ID field. Clicking the “Update LeadSquared ID” button will open an input field where the student’s LeadSquared ID can be copied in. Be careful to copy this in exactly as it appears in LeadSquared.

Next Steps for Student

Once the student’s LeadSquared ID has been set in the admin system, the student is ready to start a new application. Note that any previous applications won’t be usable any longer since the Representative, Campus, and Program on applications are now imported from LeadSquared.

To start a new application the student simply needs to login to the enrollment system and click the “New Application” button at the bottom of the page.