Admin - Student Detail Page

Admin - Student Detail Page

To view more information about an application or student, click on any row in the search results. This will open a detailed view with further information about the student, their current application, and a table of information about their previous applications. This page also contains links to manage the various parts of an application lifecycle. 

Current Application Panel

The top panel displays information about the student’s current application. 

Status: Next Step


This field in the top left of the current application panel displays the current status of the current application along with what needs to happen next. The possible statuses are:

  • Incomplete: Student has not begun filling out application

    • The student has registered and created an application but has not filled in any information on the application yet.

  • Incomplete: Student needs to select program options

    • The student has begun filling the application but has not yet selected a class time or start date for their program.

    • Note: Rep, campus, and program are all set in Salesforce - applications created in the enrollment system will be created with those options from Salesforce. The student only needs to select class time and start date.

  • Incomplete: Student needs to sign

    • The student has filled out their application to the point of selecting their program options but has not yet signed their application.

  • Incomplete: Student needs to pay

    • The student has signed their application but has not yet submitted payment.

  • Incomplete: Student needs to submit the application

    • The student has signed their application and paid (or had their payment waived) but has not yet submitted the application.

  • Complete: Ready for Campus Rep signature

    • The student (and parent if applicable) have signed and submitted the application. It is ready to be signed by the assigned rep.

  • Complete: Ready for Campus President signature

    • The application is complete and has been signed by a campus rep. It is ready to be signed by a campus president.

  • Complete: No further action required

    • The application is complete and has all required signatures. Nothing left to do.


As the student, parent (if applicable), campus rep, and campus president sign the application the signatures along with a timestamp will be displayed in the right column. If an application is ready to be signed by the current logged in user, i.e. if you are logged in as a campus rep viewing an application that is ready for your signature, a button will appear in the relevant signature field linking to the application signature page.


Note: The existing Signatures page is still in place and can still be used to sign applications when ready. There are now two ways to sign applications.

Viewing Printable Applications

The current application panel also provides a link to view the full application. If the application has been submitted by the student this will display the permanent version of the application. If the application is still in progress this will display a live view of the application.

Salesforce and Campus Nexus Status

At the bottom of the Student Information section are fields for the status of Campus Nexus and Salesforce.

Campus Nexus

We export a PDF copy of the application along with a summary CSV to Campus Nexus when an application is signed by the campus rep and then again when it is signed by a campus president. This field indicates whether and when those files were last exported to Campus Nexus


When the student submits their application we export it to Salesforce. This field indicates whether and when this application was sent to Salesforce.

Student Information Panel


Below the Current Application panel is a student information panel. This holds information about the student themselves that is not specific to an application. This includes address, and email. There is also a field for the student's Salesforce ID along with a button to view their Contact in Salesforce.

Military Approval 

When logged in as a Financial Aid Representative and viewing an application student who is pending military pricing a button will appear to Update Military Pricing

Clicking this will open a page with the students military status, their answers to qualification questions, and buttons to approve or reject MTP for this application.

Salesforce Information

Also on the student information section is the student’s contact ID from Salesforce along with a button to view the contact in Salesforce. If this is an older student account and the Salesforce ID has not been set then a button to open a form to enter it will be displayed.

Parent Information Panel

If the student is under 18 a panel with their parent’s name and email address will appear below the Student Information panel.

All Applications Table

At the bottom of the student detail page is a table of all applications for this student. This table is arranged from most recent to oldest and displays basic information about each application. Clicking a row will open the printable version of the application.

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