How To Add a HS Lead or PDL Form Rep

How To Add a HS Lead or PDL Form Rep

This functionality is restricted to Campus Admins and Super Users

Which reps are and aren’t available for selection in High School Leads and PDL forms is managed in the enrollment system. To add and remove users from these forms login to the enrollment system as a Campus Admin. Navigate to the Users page in the top nav.

Find the Campus Rep that you’d like that manage and click the edit button next to their name. In the Edit form that pops up make sure their Rep Code is correct and then check either or both of the HS Lead and PDL checkboxes, then click Save.

If the rep does not exist yet, simply click the Add New User at the top of the page to add them. The new rep’s info can be entered at the same time as making them available for the PDL and HS forms.