How to Enroll a Student
This document will explain how to enroll a student from start to finish. It will include details on how to handle students who are under 18, as well as military students.
Getting Started in LeadSquared
All applications in the enrollment system must be created from Leads in LeadSquared (LSQ). To get started find the Contact you want to work with at
In LeadSquared there are a few required fields before the student is ready to start their application.
Required Fields
The following fields must all be set and correct in LeadSquared before the student begins their application. If any of the following need to be changed on an application, they will need to be updated in LSQ and then the student will need to login to their account in the enrollment system and start a new application. Note that the student does not need to use their registration link for new applications, they can just login at this point. Once an application is started these values can not be updated for the current application.
The contact owner in LeadSquared will be the assigned rep in the enrollment system. The email address of the LSQ user must match the email address of the rep in the enrollment system.
Program Details
In LSQ the campus, program, class time, and start date must all be set before the student can register and/or start a new application.
The LeadSquared Registration Link
Once the required fields above are all set, the student is ready to begin. If they are getting ready to fill out an application for the first time, they will need to register in the enrollment system using the link provided in LeadSquared.
Students only need to use the registration link the first time they fill out an application. Once they use the link, the enrollment system will remember them, and their connection to their lead in LSQ. To access their application, or start new ones, students can simply go to the enrollment system home page and click Login.
TWS Home Page:Â
RSI Home Page:Â
The registration link can be found on the student’s Lead in LeadSquared under Contact Details in the Lead Details tab. Copy this link and provide it to the student. The student can then paste it into a web browser and proceed to register and fill out an application.
Filling out the application
In general the process of filling out an application is up to the student. However there are two scenarios that will require extra actions to complete.
Under 18 Students
Normally when a student signs and submits an application it becomes ready for review and signature by a campus representative. Students who are under 18 will need to have their application reviewed and signed by a parent or guardian first.
Parents can register by accessing the home page of the enrollment system and clicking Get Started in the parent section.
Military Applications
Applying for Military Tuition Pricing
Students who qualify can receive Military Tuition Pricing (MTP), and the enrollment system will generate an Enrollment Agreement that reflects that pricing if they are approved. To complete the approval process the student must select the appropriate option on the Military Qualification page and then provide the requested info based on their military status.
Once the applicant selects a military status and answers the other questions on the page they will be shown a message letting them know that their application is under review. They will not be able to proceed until a financial aid representative reviews their application and determines whether they’re eligible for MTP.
Approving and Rejecting Military Applications
At this point the application can be reviewed in the enrollment system by a financial aid representative. When they login to the home page, they can filter for military pending applications using the selector at the top of the page.
In addition they can enter any other search criteria to further refine their search. When they find an application they would like to review they can click the entry in the search results table to open the student details page.
On the student details page the military status can be seen in the student information section below the current application section.
Clicking the Update Military Status button will open a view of the student’s answers to the military qualification questions and display their uploaded documents. There are buttons to approve and reject applications here as well. There is also a section with information about the students current application on this page for cross referencing.
Once the financial aid representative has approved or rejected MTP for the application the student can proceed to fill out the rest of their application and submit it.
Signing the Application
Now that the student has signed and submitted their application along with their parent if necessary, it is ready for signatures from the StrataTech team.
Campus Representative Signature
The first review of completed applications is done by a campus representative. When a campus representative logs into the enrollment system they have two ways to find and sign applications.
Signing Applications from the Signatures Page
Note this page was not changed as part of the updates to the home page and can still be used in the same way it always has been
On the signatures page applications assigned to the campus rep will be listed along with a button to sign them.
Signing the Application from the Student Details Page
It is also possible to sign applications by finding the student on the home page and clicking their row in the search results to view the student details page. Here, if the application is ready for signature by the logged in user, a button to sign it will appear in the current application section.
Campus President Signature
Signing as the campus president works just like signing as a representative. The only difference is that on the search page there are some search tools to assist with searching through the applications ready for signature.
Signature Page
For both campus representatives and campus presidents the signature page looks the same. A view of the completed application with all of its data is shown. At the bottom of the page is a field for signing and a button for submitting. Filling in the correct name and clicking submit is all it takes to sign an application.