This page outlines recent updates and additions to the online enrollment application.
Military Workflow Update: Applications for MTP now must be completed by the student before Financial Aid review
November 17, 2021
Applications for military tuition pricing will now need to be fully completed and submitted by the student before Financial Aid Representatives review. This will simplify the workflow for approving military tuition pricing allowing approved applications to be fully processed once approved by Financial Aid. Read more
Process Update: Financial Aid Approval Required before Campus Admin Signature
September 1, 2021
Going forward students will need to be “Approved” by Financial Aid Reps in the enrollment system before their applications can be signed by a campus president. This approval will reflect the confirmation that their Proof of Graduation (PoG) has been received and confirmed. Once this has happened Financial Aid Reps can log into the enrollment system and mark students as confirmed, allowing their application(s) to be signed by Campus Presidents. Read more
RSI Phoenix ONLY - MME Program Name Update
August 11, 2021
The “Associate of Occupational Studies in Mechanical Maintenance Engineering” program has been renamed. The first portion of the program is now named “MME On Ground” and the second portion is named “MME Online.” These programs can now be selected in Salesforce to allow students to fill applications in the online enrollment system.
Fee Payment Forwarding
July 20, 2021