This page outlines recent updates and additions to the online enrollment application.
Fee Update
May 3, 2021
Students are now required to pay their full $50 fee on application submission. Previously they were allowed to pay $25 when they submitted their application and the remaining $25 later. Now they must pay the full $50 up front. The option to pay $25 has been removed from the online enrollment application.
Support Requests
April 14, 2021
When viewing a student in the online application system admins can now send support requests directly to the IT department. Click the “Request Support” button at the top right of the page to fill in info and send a request.
Update Notifications
April 14, 2021
New features and updates to the online application will be announced to admins at the top of the page when you login.
Documentation Link
Mar 17, 2021
Admins now have a button at the top of the online enrollment system that links directly to this documentation wiki.